All Birds Wiki

Hopefully this page will answer your questions!

What authority do you use?[]

I'm not sure what it's called, but we use Taxonomy in Flux. It is maintained by John Boyd III.


Because Wikipedia fails at bird taxonomy. TiF is the most up-to-date site I've seen so far. In fact, it was last edited on August 24, 2014!

I see a mistake! Can I change it?[]

Only if you use TiF. If it's not on TiF, then don't use it.

I see a species that hasn't been added yet! Can I add it?[]

Of course, as I said above; as long as it's on TiF, it's fine. Make sure you use the proper layout, though.

But [insert name here] uses a different approach![]

Well, good for them, but I'll never use it.

Can I see an example?[]

Sure. See Osprey or White-headed Vultures for examples. Also, the nav-bar also uses TiF!

Can I see a comparison?[]

All Birds Wiki:Comparison of checklists.

Are there any taxons that have all been added?[]

Of course! Most of the categories are hidden, but you can check this one out if you want to: Taxons that are complete
