All Birds Wiki
Huia sexual dimorphism.

The occurrence of physical differences between males and females. In birds, the most common type of sexual dimorphism is plumage variation. Other forms of sexual dimorphism include differences in bill length of body size; for example, many birds of prey, the female is larger than the male[1].

Sexes alike[]

Red-throated Grebe

Pattern similar but with males having brighter hues[]

Eurasian Bullfinch: Male right, female left

Pattern similar but with females having brighter hues[]

Eurasian Dotterel: Female left, male right

Sexes totally different[]

Red-headed Finch: Male left, female right


  1. ^ Frances, Peter; et al. (2007). Bird: The Definitive Visual Guide. Dorling Kindersley Inc. ISBN 1564582957. 

Anatomy of an amiotic egg This article is part of Project Glossary, an All Birds project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each term related to animals.

Little Pied Cormorant This article is part of Project Anatomy, a All Birds project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each anatomical term related to birds.