All Birds Wiki
こんにちは、私の名前はミシェルです!Kon'nichiwa, watashinonamaeha Misherudesu!

Hola, mi nombre es Michelle!

Think about it. When you eat a piece of meat, you literally eat a corpse, a dead animal. I’m not saying this to “disgust” you or to convince you of anything, just calling things with their names. We have been using the word “meat” long enough to make us forget it is a dead animal. This animal was alive before, and it was raised, and killed, not in awesome ways. --Laura Marie

Now, when I eat, honestly, I am so much happier to tell myself that this meal didn’t cause any murder, does not contain any blood, cruelty, and that nobody is dead for my palate. It is honestly one of the best feelings in the world. --Laura Marie
Men have decided they have the right to determine which species are for us to love and will be lucky as pets, and which ones are destined to end up in a Filet with sauce and potatoes – or which ones can be used and abused for our own entertainment (like the corrida). But if you like your cat, then you should be able to love the same way a cow or a sheep. There is no superior or inferior specie. No specie that deserves hugs and kisses, and the other the death sentence or torture. I can assure you that EVERY animal can be tamed and become a pet, if you wanted to, just like your cat or your dog. Take at random one cow, or one chicken, destined to be killed in the food industry, and bring it at your home, and treat it like your pet. I promise you will start to discover his personality, get attached to it, want to hug it. You would love them just like your pets. There is absolutely NO difference. --Laura Marie

If you look at the front page and scroll down, you can see what I mean.

Looks like there's ten flags now!

That's awesome! Keep it up! :)

Thanks, Mich
